Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Necroscope, Brian Lumley


I'm not quite halfway done with Forever Odd, but i got this in from swaptree today, and it got me thinking: I havn't read this since i was about 12. Will it hold up? Lumley's Necroscope Series helped shape my direction as a reader. A family friend had it, i saw the cover, and thought, Cool! so i borrowed it, then book two, then book three, and i was hooked. I had all eight (?) at one point, but they vanished over the years, so I'm going to try and re-collect them, hopefully in hardback. (Which i think only exists in the UK editions.) But let's get to the skinny:

Lumley's Vampries ROCK. The Wamphyri could eat Lestat, the punk from twilight, the guy from 'Salem's Lot, and The Sisters of Eurelia for lunch, in one sitting. My favorite book in the series is either deadspeak (Number 5, i think) or BloodWars (Number 6, i think). His creation is parts macrbe, sexy, chilling, imaginative, and almost real.

It may have been this series (and the Dark Tower) that made me love trilogies, series, and epics above all others. And across all genres; historicals (John Jakes' North & South) and westerns (Wagons West!) and crime (the Prey Series).

I almost wrote lumley one time; I had an idea how Harry's son could have removed his little. . . .guest, (boy, I'm skating upto the line on my self-imposed spoiler's ban!) with out harming a loved one and then been okay. (whew, that was close!) I'll have to see if my idea still holds water after all these years. (But of course, I'll have to get the next 11 books, or so)

Okay, back to Odd. Gotta get past him.


Wow. Looking back (to when i first read the book), I don't think i realized Lumley was British. Of course, i know it now, so it all fits, but back then it didn't connect. Another thing i realized; it never says flat out the HK is a necroscope. Until the confrontation with Sir K, the clues (which can be connected, don't get me wrong) just point in one direction. Also, i thought HK did much more stuff in this volume, but i must be mixing up the first three books. So far, so good.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Blue Cool. Greetings from Scotland.

    I saw your post on Brian’s site. It's good to see somebody else who loves Mr Lumley’s world. The Necroscope books, along with the weird adventures of Titus Crow, are responsible for my love of books. I've just picked up The Lost Years (Harry and the Pirates), and it's brilliant. It's all a collection of short stories, but each one is all about Harry. I won't go into detail, but its well worth a read!
    And I know what you mean about a Lumley Vampire being the best Vampire. The Mrs made me read Twilight (don't judge me!), and I hated it with the passion of a million burny sun's! I did however, read a book called 13 Bullets that was recommended by a friend straight after Twilight. It helped me get the taint of it out my mind. It's a full on action packed, blood fest from start to finish. It's no Lumley novel, but it's pretty good. Best get my nose back on the grindstone.
